[RBS] Shiva Assar B'tammuz 5770 at Menorat Hamaor

[RBS] Shiva Assar B'tammuz 5770 at Menorat Hamaor

Aryeh Koenigsberg aryeh.koenigsberg at gmail.com
Mon Jun 28 10:05:10 IDT 2010


Here is the davening schedule at Kehillat Menorat
Hamaor for Shiva Assar B'tammuz, 5770:

Fast begins:  4:10
Shacharit:     6:00
Mincha: 19:15
Sunset:        19:49
Maariv:         20:07
Fast ends:    20:14
Repeat Shma after: 20:32

Kehillat Menorat Hamaor is located at Nahal Maor 6
in Ramat Bet Shemesh, a 30-second stroll from
J10 Pizza. Rav Daniel Myers is Rav Hakehillah.

Aryeh Koenigsberg

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