[RBS] Cellular antennas

[RBS] Cellular antennas

corinne b corinnieleh at hotmail.com
Sun Mar 7 00:12:18 IST 2010

Dear concerned citizens,

I have noticed that many of us are up in arms over these four antennas on top of the Dolev shopping center. While I commend your commitment to the health of our community, these concerns are not scientifically founded and in fact health risks might be exacerbated by fewer antennas (which will cause a higher output of RF waves). While an add taken out in a local paper condemning the antennas states that since we are a religious community, it is additionally not a major concern whether or not advanced mobile technology functions locally, this is simply not true. Blackberries (and similar phones) require that larger packets of data be transferred through cellular base stations, and without adequate reception the devices themselves are forced to emit much higher levels of radiation. Since my family and most families I know are religious and still have third or fourth generation cellular devices, I am concerned about the amount of radiation being emitted by them (since they are generally held up against one's brain). And even these concerns are largely unfounded according to a consensus of the World Health Organization and numerous independent studies. SO, as impressed as I am with the petitions being handed to me to sign and the general organization of my concerned neighbors, I must respectfully disagree with your outrage. PLEASE read the following link from the AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY regarding the risks of cellular phone towers and antennas:


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