[RBS] Women attacked in RBS

[RBS] Women attacked in RBS

Ayelet Granick ayelet526 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 8 20:10:21 IST 2010

 Here's a message that was sent to the Yahoo list. I was asked by the writer
to forward it to this list. In addition, I spoke to the police. They request
that every woman who has been abused come and file a complaint. There are
female investigators sitting in the Bet Shemesh Police station.

There have been some recent attacks (I heard this DIRECTLY from someone that

attacked) in and near the mountains by Hayarkon and Hayarden. BE
Arabs are lurking around and someone I know was attacked by 2
arabs with their
faces covered, save for their eyes and a knife in the middle of the day.
 They wanted to take her up further in the mountains, but Baruch Hashem,she
got away....she knew self defense.  DON'T
WALK ALONE! Be aware of your surroundings. DON'T LET YOUR CHILDREN WALK
AT NIGHT! Women and
girls should be especially careful.  Try not to walk on the yarden/yarkon
side by the mountains.  The police are aware of this.   There have been
other attempted attacks as well.  This is a community
service message to inform people and to make them aware.  SPREAD THE WORD!
 Let's all help protect our family and friends, not everyone reads the list.
  It's very scary but it's very true!!
Right here in our own
backyards....the mountains are not safe and little do
we know about the danger lurking in our own community.  These are
not rumors, they are facts!
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