[RBS] Cleaning for Pesach??? Large Families Can Use Your Cast-Offs!

[RBS] Cleaning for Pesach??? Large Families Can Use Your Cast-Offs!

lepon lepon at 012.net.il
Sun Mar 14 20:23:57 IST 2010

Make Room in Your Home & Do a Mitzvah at the Same Time!!!



Kids Books,



Small household items,

Small furniture,


STRANGE-BUT-TRUE: here are some of the bizarre items my gemach has received:

A bag of children's old sukkah decorations! Nice thought, but I think I'll
hang my own kids' and grandkids' drawings.

Used school notebooks written in by anonymous students. How much does a
machberet cost, really?!

Single shoes--not in high-demand by my, baruch Hashem, two-footed customers!

T-shirts decorated by children at camp with their names on them. (We even
got a T-shirt with a child's picture on the front. Any takers?)

Women's shorts and one-piece pantsuits circa the 70's (Huh?).

Old computer monitors.

Electrical items that don't work.

Thick, out-dated computer manuals and catalogues. Especially useful was
Standard & Poor's something-or-other for 2007!

Unmarked kitchen items-great for all my customers who don't keep kosher!

One-eyed bears and hairless, limbless dolls--sorta creepy for a little kid,

And the best of all.

While sorting through a bag of clothes, my helper came upon a heavy plastic
bag. Pulling it out I was astounded to find a large cache of LIVE
BULLETS!!!! Well, I guess the disadvantaged bank robbers must get their
ammunition SOMEWHERE. (A kind citizen helped dispose of these in a legal

So, friends, make better use of your trash cans this month.

Your friendly neighborhood garbage collector (NOT!)

Guidelines for Gemach-Giving:

1) Don't feel bad to throw out clothing your family has worn and gotten good
use from. 

IT'S NOT A WASTE to throw it out if it's:




worn out,

stretched out,

washed out,

stiff from repeated laundering,

pilled or


But IT IS a waste of the gemach-owner's time and energy when you send these

2) Gemach clothing is cheap and very plentiful. Therefore, customers can
afford to be picky. No one will buy & fix:

broken zippers,

torn shoes,

ripped clothes,

squashed hats,

pants in great condition but with a hole in the knee (no one will patch
these-chuck them!)

3) No one wants used tzitzis or ripped sefarim. This is an extra bother as
the gemach-owner must now save these items and shlep them to a geniza.
Please don't pass this job on to someone else!

4) It's strange but true that many, many people send used, worn (and not so
clean!) socks and underwear! Not a must-have item!!!

5) If dishes, pots and other housewares are not clearly marked as milk or
meat, they can't be used. No one will bother kashering them.

6) Shoes must be new or almost new. We get so many dirty or overly worn out
pairs. These are very heavy for gemach owners to shlep to the garbage. Do it
yourself in the privacy of your own home!

7) White shirts must be spotless. Oil stains don't come out. Shirts with
over-ironed, lumpy or ripped collars & cuffs are not in great demand.

8) PLEASE, don't send clothes & fitted sheets with elastic so old that it
cracks when you stretch it!

9) Other strange items we've gotten:

Partially completed sewing projects-if you lost interest why would anyone
else want to finish?

single socks & gloves,

bags of moldy clothes-PLEASE!,

coloring books already colored in,

sticker books without the stickers,

puzzles and games missing pieces-not fun!,

stuffed animals that are filthy and have stuffing coming out of them,

and many more unmentionables!


If you're not sure, chuck it. The gemachim are overflowing with excellent
buys. No one needs to buy questionable articles. And we all want our
families to be well-dressed, even those of us who buy 2nd hand. So if you
can't decide-the answer's throw!

Please be selective and make good use of your trash can before filling up
your gemach bags.

Gemach-owners and volunteers will thank you for your sensitivity!

Please note! Be considerate when going gemach shopping. Owners spend many
hours hanging and organizing clothes for your comfort. When you leave piles
to be rehung and clothes and hangers strewn all over the floor, it really
hurts. L It's not a shop where workers are hired just to rehang all day. You
are spending 10 NIS, not 300! So please think of others and leave the gemach
as you found it.

And by the way, if you bring children with you (not the best way to shop)
please keep and eye on them. It's not fun for gemach owners to find banana
peels and lollipops stuck on their clothing.

So, to conclude: Yashar Ko'ach to all the wonderful people of RBS/BS who
drop off excellent used & new clothing at Gemach Sorek 40! 

For donations: please leave your bags at Nachal Sorek 40, right opposite
Sifrei Geula, in the parking lot.

Tizku Lemitzvos!
Shoshana Lepon

Gemach Sorek 40



 <mailto:lepon at 012.net.il> lepon at 012.net.il



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