[RBS] Five more places left at the Space Sciences chug

[RBS] Five more places left at the Space Sciences chug

shalemm at bezeqint.net shalemm at bezeqint.net
Wed Mar 17 18:34:57 IST 2010

only five more boys can register to the great  space sciences 
chug at the RBS Matnas 
the Chug include active labs!!!

the chug is for boys grades 6th-8th 

for boys: Wednesdays from 6:30 - 8pm Space Sciences, including

 beginners' astrophysics- black holes, white dwarfs, red 
giants, flight
 principles and real launching, telescopes, principles of 
light, star
 astrobiology (are there living creatures in space?

 and a family gazing trip at the end of the course

each course is approximately 14-16 meetings. one may try out 
once, but
 after more than one meeting, the student is committed for 
the duration -
 through the end of JULY.
 The chugim cost 400 sheq +80 NIS registration fee
we would like to start immediately after pessach.
 Spaces are limited, as there is a lot of hands-on in the chug
 for more information, please contact Haya 0503619668

מירי שלם

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