[RBS] Pesach Appeal for a Bet Shemesh Family

[RBS] Pesach Appeal for a Bet Shemesh Family

Pircha Soloveichik pcsolo at shemesh.co.il
Thu Mar 18 14:50:20 IST 2010

I was asked to post this. Please read on and be in touch with the number
below if you can help (or email me and I will pass on the info)
Pircha Soloveichik

Dear Bet Shemesh area resident,

Shimon* and Miriam* (each married before) and their four children (ages 6
and under) have been struggling financially for all three years of their
married life.  They are both hard-working and sincere, but have had a hard
time at every step of their way.

Since they could not afford to rent their own apartment, they have been
forced to cram into the tiny apartment of Shimon's father, and have lived
there for the last three years.  This difficult situation has deeply
affected their personal lives as husband and wife and as parents.  The
ongoing struggle to provide even such basics as bread and milk (!), has now
become hopeless since they have received a court order of "house arrest",
which in effect means that they are not allowed to work.  To explain why
would require at least three pages, but suffice it  to say that they are
totally innocent of any wrong doing.  My heart goes out to them in their
struggle to live a normal life.  Anyone familiar with this struggle is moved
to tears. 

In order to be released from this "house arrest" they must pay 3,000 NIS.
With their lack of resources, for them this is like 30,000 NIS!

This fine family is on the verge of sinking - we can't let this happen.  As
merciful Jews, and as members of the Beit Shemesh community, we must raise
this sum immediately.  Every day that neither Shimon nor Miriam can work
means losing 300 NIS out of their pocket that they could have earned.  How
can we sit down to our Pesach Seder at a table filled with all of G-d's
bounty if we know there is a religious Jewish family in our own  midst who
cannot even afford a Zeroah or a Beitza?
								Chag Kasher
								(will it be
Sameach for them?!)

								Director of
'Yad Chen' 02-5812007
*Names have been changed to protect privacy.

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