Alon Frank butcheronline at gmail.com
Sun Mar 21 00:06:43 IST 2010

Dear friends,
Best Market will be kicking off the pesach sales this coming
week.(21-3 till 29-3)
Make sure to reserve your pesach meat in advance by emailing me a day
in advance at mybestbutcher at gmail.com.
we handle the policy first come first served.

Let's start with my meat counter:

Rav Machfud whole (NOT cut up) chickens 16.90,- per kilo (limited to 3 chickens)

Ungars gefilte fish 32.90,- (limited to 3 pieces)

Minced meat Machfud (made out of frozen meat) at my counter 29.90,-
per kilo (limited to 3 kg)

French fries (frozen Rubin) 800 grams without kitnios 6.99,- sh.
(limited to 6 pieces)

Frozen lamb quarters Rav machfud 64.90,- per kilo (limited to 5 kg)

Ben's and Jerry ice cream 2 for 36 sh (limited to 6 pieces)

Frozen salmon Fillet Tnuva (Rubin) 59.90,- per kilo (limited to 3 kg)

Bodek frozen vegetables (spinach, cauliflower, broccoli)  24.90,- sh
(limited to 3 pieces. does not include the florets or other bodek
products. just the above).

Buy charcoals from Kingsfort and get a package of bamboo skewers for free.

There will be a raffle every day for customers who spend over 500 sh.
They can win a voucher of 500 sh to be spend at Best Market.
The Best Market club card holders can win a voucher of 1000 sh to be
spend at Best Market.

We have many more specials,but too long to mention.
The Lamb and Machfud chickens will be in on Monday

On behalf of the Best Market management and the staff, we wish you a pesach
kasher vesameiach.

Yours always,

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