[RBS] kol hakavod kly

[RBS] kol hakavod kly

Susan Reuben s.r.reuben at googlemail.com
Thu Mar 25 10:27:07 IST 2010

Just wanted to write a quick note to give a huge Yasher Koach to all the KLY volunteers at yesterdays sale.

Although not everything went totally acording to plan - late deliveries of produce etc.. is not in our control, it was obvious that a considerable amount of time and effort was invested to try to accomodate all the types of residents that were benefiting from the sale.  

Many UNPAID members of the community were up all night getting things ready and then other volunteers were standing in the hot sun the whole day ensuring that things ran smoothly.  The only shame was that there were a number of people who had to shout, scream and curse at these volunteers because of the unforseen delay.

Thank you again to everyone involved and to KLY for providing us this wonderful service.

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