[RBS] Extra food from KLYysale and BIG YASHER KOACH!

[RBS] Extra food from KLYysale and BIG YASHER KOACH!

Yehuda & Leora Chana Greenman greenman at netmedia.net.il
Thu Mar 25 12:41:56 IST 2010

Yasher koach to EVERYONE involved in yesterdays KLY sale!!!!
People were still out until 3.00am this morning cleaning up while we were
tucked in bed! Tizku Le'mitzvos!!!!!

Anyone who may have bought too much produce (kilos and kilos of carrots,
bananas, chicken bones etc.) and is wondering what to do with it can call
992-0277 until 7.00pm tonight. The extra food will be distributed to
families in other communities who still don't have enough food for Pesach.

Pesach kasher ve'sameach.
The Greenmans

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