[RBS] Kidstuf Children's Place Sale- starting tonight!

[RBS] Kidstuf Children's Place Sale- starting tonight!

symee gilman symeeg at yahoo.com
Sun May 2 13:02:39 IDT 2010

Kidstuf- Clothing by the Children's Place

will be in RBSA for only four days!

This is the sale that you've all been waiting for, with a huge selection and great prices!

You may have visited with us before Pesach, but we just recently received a huge new shipment of clothing:
pants and shorts for boys, t-shirts, polo and button down shirts for boys, long sleeve t-shirts for girls, Shabbos dresses, pajamas, baby clothing and more!

large sale section with items between 10-29 nis (lots of t-shirts are regularly 29 nis as well)

most items are between 19-79 nis! 

Sunday-Wednesday nights from 8:30-10:00
Monday and Wednesday mornings from 10:30-12:00
Nachal Revivim 10/8

Looking forward to seeing you there!


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