[RBS] Great Way to Ruin a Simcha

[RBS] Great Way to Ruin a Simcha

marsha twersky marshat at 013net.net
Mon May 10 13:49:41 IDT 2010

From: Buckman Family <Family at benbuck.net>

Subject: [BS/RBS list] Great Way to Ruin a Simcha

One way to put a damper on a simcha or community event, is if someone else in the neighborhood has a simcha/event the same evening.  After months of hard work, after the invitations have been printed and mailed out, you discover that another family in the area is making a simcha the same evening.   Or, you plan a fantastic event for an organization, only to find out after the flyers are distributed that another organization has an event the same day.

In order to avoid these situations, use the BS/RBS COMMUNITY CALENDAR.   With just a click of your mouse, you can save a lot of heartache.

Simply go to the Beit Shemesh website, www.shemesh.co.il, and click "Calendar" on the right-hand side of the top-most bar, go to the month and year, check the dates you're interested in, and write in your own programs.  

If you have any questions how this is done, I am always available to assist.  Or I can even do it for you, all you have to do is call me at 991-8492.  (I started this calendar years ago as a community service, and so I really want it to work, so I'm willing to help anyone who participates in making it work!)  

Note that private smachot are listed without names - e.g., Wedding Sheinfeld family, Bar mitzvah RBS family - to maintain privacy.  If the listing is done through me, I will know the names of the family, but otherwise that info is completely confidential.

This COMMUNITY SERVICE is obviously only effective and helpful if everyone participates!


P.S. If anyone in RBS could post this to your lists there, it would be much appreciated!  The Community Calendar is for RBS as well as BS!

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