[RBS] Important Message: National Emergency

[RBS] Important Message: National Emergency

David Morris david at lemaanachai.org
Wed May 26 15:30:08 IDT 2010

Dear Friends,

We are all aware of the IDF Home Front excercise during this week,
throughout the country.

We also know, unfortunately, that our country is not preparing for some
fantasy scenario, but for the possibility of imminent war.

It has been publicised that the combined forces of Lebanon/Hezbollah;
Gaza/Hamas; and Syria, have now amassed tens of thousands of long range

Although Bet Shemesh was out of range in the 2nd Lebanon War and also (by 5
kms!) in the Operation Molten Lead in Gaza - ALL predictions have Bet
Shemesh within missile range during the next conflict, Lo aleinu.

There are now detailed plans for how the civilian population, which is
likely to be the main target for our enemies (again), will be protected, and
aid delivered.

The voluntary sector, which in previous conflicts has
hit-the-ground-running, in some cases faster and more effectively than the
IDF Home Front, has now been 'recruited' as an integral part of the national
and municipal Emergency Response plan.

The IDF has selected Lema'an Achai, Ezrat Achim and Sha'alei Torah as their
partners in Bet Shemesh.

We have each been assigned specific tasks and responsibilities in the case
of a National Emergency.
Today, we participated in a simulation of BS/RBS being struck by a missile

One of the needs highlighted in the simulation was for us to be able to
contact a core team of volunteers, who are likely to be available and
capable of immediately helping us supply aid to the (local and evacuee)
population which will be effected by the conflict.

We are therefore establishing an email (and phone) list of volunteers to be
used in preparation for, and during, a national emergency.
(Interestingly, the experts predict internet is pretty robust as a
communication, vs cell-phones, for example, which are likely to collapse).

We will be calling upon these volunteers, from time to time, to help with
preparations and excercises - and in the case of an actual emergency.

If you would like to step forward to volunteer, please reply to this email (
david at lemaanachai.org), including your street address, phone, cell numbers;
and stating any relevant experience and/or qualifications you may have.

If you are *unlikely* to be available to help - such as you will likely be
called up for the army, or if you are responsible for small children, or are
elderly, etc..., then please do not reply to this email.

I would just add, that Bet Shemesh has achieved national recognition for the
effectiveness of the response of our voluntary sector in previous national
emergencies - and we are considered pioneers in Israel in this field.

We should only hear besorot tovot.
Tizku Lemitzvot,
David & Avrohom

P.S. Please send this on to others in Bet Shemesh/RBS who you think may be
interested to help.


David Morris            Rav Avrohom Leventhal
Chairman                Executive Director

www.SmartChesed.org <http://www.smartchesed.org/>

david at lemaanachai.org

Tel: 02 9991553
Donations: 02 99999.33

40/7 Nahal Lachish,
Ramat Beit Shemesh
99093 ISRAEL.
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