[RBS] Reccomendation - Saidels low calorie "air" sandwich recipe

[RBS] Reccomendation - Saidels low calorie "air" sandwich recipe

yamin and justine cohen justine at neto.net.il
Thu May 27 07:17:05 IDT 2010

We deliver every Friday To Ramat Bet Shemesh. Orders can be picked up between 13:30-15:00 
at Nachal Nachshon 6/18 at the Cohen Family (Tel:9920559)


1 slice  Saidels Rambam Health Bread (tm)
1 Tbsp.  air (room temperature)

Preparation: Sprinkle the air evenly over the slice of Rambam
Health Bread (tm) and serve.

                              * * * * * *

Sounds ridiculous? Not at all. From a survey taken, it appears that
most people prefer to eat Rambam Health Bread (tm) straight, with
no additional spreads or toppings. The reason - it tastes so
incredibly good on its own, that it needs nothing else!

1 slice of Rambam Health Bread (tm) is so filling and nourishing
that it is a meal in itself. Packed full of fibre, wheat germ, vitamins, calcium, omega 3
and a special blend of medicinal herbs
prescribed by the Rambam, 1 slice of this bread will supply a major
portion of your daily requirements of fibre, vitamins A, C, and E and
Omega 3. It is a highly rich food source and tastes amazing to boot!

At only 65 calories per slice and low in gluten, this is the perfect
diet bread. It is also recommended for diabetics because of its low
glycemic index.

It is not easy to find one bread that the whole family can enjoy.
Kids like white bread, adults like the more healthy, low calorie
stuff. Amazingly enough, our survey shows that EVERYONE is
going gaga over this bread, adults and kids alike.

If you haven't tried it yet, you don't know what you are missing.
Read more about it on our website www.rambambread.com and
order one today!

Of course we also have our usual array of special challot, pies and cookies. 
Orders can be placed by phone 09-7941222 or on the internet at http://saidels.com.

Our bakery has a Mehadrin hechsher and all products are baked in a traditional stone oven. 

Best regards

Les and Sheryl Saidel
Saidels Bakery - "baked with love"
Tel: 09-7941222
Email: shezles at saidels.com
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