[RBS] Circus Feedback - here it is

[RBS] Circus Feedback - here it is

Pircha Soloveichik pcsolo at shemesh.co.il
Tue Nov 2 10:11:31 IST 2010

Since a few people asked me to forward the responses I got about the circus,
I copied the responses into one email to share. Thanks to all who responded.
I am just passing on this information if you want it. 
I went with my seven year old, and we had a blast.

I have no idea what they were thinking when they said it was "tzanua".  In
some senses, tznius could be subjective, but one lady during the magician's
section, was wearing an outfit that was basically, pardon me , a sexy
one-piece bathing suit.  The other women (acrobats and the like), however
were wearing full body suits, so maybe that is what they meant.   However,
when the first body suit lady came out my seven year old declared "woah,
that is not tznius" (it was acutally kinda cute).  Just to even things out a
bit, some of the guy acrobats (who were great acrobats) weren't too tznius
either - unbottoning their shirts and stuff while dancing.

Well, that is my take.  I am glad that I didn't take my older boys, for the
tznius factor, but I am happy that I took my seven year old.
We went last nite - it was a lot of fun- not barnum baily quality - no
animals - -however it definitely didn't turn out to be tzenua.. 
The signs were very misleading... 
I took a 4,6,11&14 year old and they all had a great time. Best ages are
probable 6-12. Perhaps some of the trapeze work would be frightening for
certain under 6 year olds. All trapeze artists etc wore suits that covered
all their bodies. The magician's assistant was the only person who wore a
top with a bikini bottom. It didn't seem to bother anyone too much!
Enjoy !
My 5,8 and 11 year olds really enjoyed the circus. My 13 year old enjoyed
it, but kvetched a little in the beginning.
Most of the outfits fully covered the women, but were form-fitting, but in
one act, the magician's assistant wore a non-tzanua outfit. 
The acts themselves did not have any sexual connotation or inappropriate

Pircha Soloveichik

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