[RBS] Weekly Mens Shiur by Rabbi Pinchas Winston Soon to Start

[RBS] Weekly Mens Shiur by Rabbi Pinchas Winston Soon to Start

ashenrus1 neshoma at bezeqint.net
Sat Nov 6 18:59:27 IST 2010

Dear RBS,

I am informing the RBS community that we are looking to start a weekly men's shiur by Rabbi Pinchas Winston on Tuesday night around 8ish. Rabbi Pinchas Winston is  an internationally known author and lecturer, formerly with Aish HaTorah, often lectures on Biblical and Rabbinical teachings on the End of Days (the time leading up to Moshiach) and how they relate to current events. He is author of "Not Just Another Scenario, "Be Positive Is Not Just A Blood Type", "Talking about the End of Days", etc and  and can be found at his website of http://thirtysixbooks.org/default.php  There is a nominal charge for the shiur of 10 shekels to attend.  If you are interested in joining this insightful shiur, please let me know at my email of neshoma at bezeqint.net.

Reuven Ashenberg
Moderator of the Rabbi Winston Group

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