[RBS] couches for Sherut Leumi Girls

[RBS] couches for Sherut Leumi Girls

Susan susan at lemaanachai.org
Tue Nov 9 08:39:19 IST 2010

The Sherut Leumi Girls who work in BS/RBS live in apts with 12 girls to an 
apt.  They are provided with minimum furniture.  They have seen several 
offers of couches for free that people are throwing out but have no way of 
transporting them to their apt. in Migdal Hamayim.  If anyone can help them 
out with a big van or small truck they'd really appreciate it.
Please call Tehila - 054-288-9103 or to e-mail - tehila at lemaanachai.org

Tizku lemitzvot!

Susan Hoffman
Chana Pasternak z"l Programs and Volunteers Director
Lema'an Achai
(02) 999-1553 ext.115 

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