[RBS] Partners with Parents - How we help you help your kids!

[RBS] Partners with Parents - How we help you help your kids!

Gayle Shimoff gayle at partnerswithparents.org.il
Sun Nov 14 20:32:41 IST 2010

You may have read my article in the last edition of Connections or saw the
ad for PwP; but you are still not quite sure who we are and what we do.

Partners with Parents (PwP) is a non profit organization based right here in
Beit Shemesh, whose primary purpose is to help kids struggling in school.
Our seasoned professionals specialize in working with kids with learning
disabilities, social difficulties and attention disorders, with particular
attention to the needs of immigrant children and second language learners.

We do this by enabling students, empowering parents and assisting schools
and the community at large. 

Our fundraising efforts have enabled us to: 
1) Provide you with free monthly e-newsletters and other social media, 
about issues relating to education, child development and parenting. 
2) Assist families through email and phone consultations. 
3) Build and develop remedial programming for struggling students from our
Ethiopian community in two local schools.
4) Subsidize the services and programs we offer to parents, kids and
families planning aliyah. 

If you didn't see the ad in Connections, here is a list of the services we
have which are there to help you and to help your kids from gan - high

For Parents: 
A) parent consultations 
B) educational advocacy 
C) school meetings 

For Kids: (English and Hebrew) 
A) remedial teaching 
B) organizational and study skills 
C) Orton- Gillingham based program for dyslexia 
D) social skills training 

For Olim: 
A) Pre-aliyah assistance for special education placement 
B) Guidance for new olim about the entire educational system 

Find out more about PwP and sign up for our e-newsletters by going to our
homepage: www.partnerswithparents.org.il
Our blog: http://partnerswithparents.wordpress.com/

All the best,
Gayle and the entire staff at PwP
Gayle S Shimoff, MA 
Learning Disabilities and Reading Specialist 
gayle at partnerswithparents.org.il 
Partners with Parents, R"A, A non profit organization in Israel 
"Helping children with learning disabilities in Israel succeed!" 
Phone: 972-2-999-4817, 
Fax: 1-532-999-4817 
Toll Free from the USA: 1-866-563-6915 

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