[RBS] Abandoned kitten looking for a home

[RBS] Abandoned kitten looking for a home

Yitzchok & Hasha Lavi lavi at chardmore.net
Sun Nov 14 22:56:28 IST 2010

A young kitten (male, 4-5 weeks old?) was apparently abandoned by its 
mother in our car park. Several people from our building started looking 
after it outside. It's now very friendly and trusting with people and 
remarkably appears pretty healthy. No-one can take it in but now we 
can't just ignore it either, so we're hoping someone will give it a 
permanent home! If you're interested we'll send a photo...
Please contact us by email
Yitzchok & Hasha
(ps before you ask - we have one cat already and she has vetoed keeping 
this one)

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