[RBS] City wide petition against the police for not protecting all of us

[RBS] City wide petition against the police for not protecting all of us

engelberg@ieee.org whyvette.e at gmail.com
Sat Nov 20 22:03:44 IST 2010

Please reply to: Dov Lipman <ddlipman at gmail.com>

Shavua tov.  As I am sure you all know, there have been many robberies in
the city over the past two months.  They have been robberies of homes and
institutions, including eight burglaries of our schools in just the last
month - including Chareidi, Dati, and Chiloni schools.  Aside from robberies
there has also been an upswing in attacks on our children.

The police chief has met with the residents of a few different neighborhoods
and openly said that his station simply does not have enough manpower or
cars to deal with the robberies and violence.

This, of course, is simply not acceptable.  We have started a petition
addressed to the Prime Minister and the Minister of Internal Security.  We
are demanding that something be done from the top - either pressure on our
station and its chief or actually providing them with more manpower and

I hope that everyone reading this will sign the petition - husbands and
wives should sign separately.  This is an issue which effects every single
population in the city and should unite us.  Please try to sign using Hebrew
letters for your names.
Here is the link - http://www.atzuma.co.il/betshemeshpolice

Please share the link with friends, neighbors, and family members throughout
the city.  Once we have a few thousand signatures we will send to the
Knesset and demand action.

Shavua tov, Dov Lipman

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