[RBS] answer to the chestnut mystery

[RBS] answer to the chestnut mystery

Pinhasik's saddav at zahav.net.il
Fri Oct 1 15:55:16 IST 2010

Quite a few listers asked me to forward the answer re: where chestnuts can
be found.  One person wrote that throughout the year, she has seen them in
stores like Dil V'zol, Chemdat Hateva, Shefa Shuk, Chatzi Chinam, etc.  I
tried Dil V'zol today but they didn't have it.(nor Best Market).  I called
the place in Sheinfeld who told me that they have the product but that it is
the only product in the store without a hechsher.  Apparently there used to
be a hechsher and something happened and so for the meantime-no hechsher.
Oh well, we managed without them.

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