[RBS] Helping kids with LD/ ADHD and their parents- Partners with Parents

[RBS] Helping kids with LD/ ADHD and their parents- Partners with Parents

Gayle Shimoff gayle at partnerswithparents.org.il
Sun Oct 3 15:59:41 IST 2010

Now that it is "acharie hachagim" you will hopefully have more time to focus
on your kids educational needs. 

Many of you have seen our emails over the last few weeks, advertising our
social skills groups. But Partners with Parents is so much more than that,
and I thought you should know what else we offer. 
PwP is a non profit organization whose primary purpose is to help kids who
are struggling in school. We do this by enabling students, empowering
parents and assisting schools and the community at large. 
Our fundraising efforts have enabled us to: 
1) Provide you with a free monthly e-newsletter about issues relating to
education, child development and parenting. 
2) Assist families through email and phone consultations 
3) Build and develop remedial programming for struggling students from our
local Ethiopian community. 
4) Subsidize the services and programs we offer to parents, kids and
families planning aliyah. 
If you missed our ad in the latest Connections magazine, here is a list of
the services we have to help you and your kids from gan - high school: 
For Parents: 
A) parent consultations 
B) educational advocacy 
C) school meetings 
For Kids: (English and Hebrew) 
A) remedial teaching 
B) organizational and study skills 
C) Orton- Gillingham based program for dyslexia 
D) social skills training 
For Olim: 
A) Pre-aliyah assistance for special education placement 
B) Guidance for new olim about the entire educational system 
Please let us know if we can be of any assistance to you, or forward this
email to a friend who might need some guidance.

Best wishes,
Gayle S Shimoff, MA 
Learning Disabilities and Reading Specialist 
gayle at partnerswithparents.org.il 
Partners with Parents, R"A, A non profit organization in Israel 
"Helping children with learning disabilities in Israel succeed!" 
Phone: 972-2-999-4817, 
Fax: 1-532-999-4817 
Toll Free from the USA: 1-866-563-6915 

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