[RBS] [BS/RBS list] Mei Shemesh - The price of water has DOUBLED

[RBS] [BS/RBS list] Mei Shemesh - The price of water has DOUBLED

Ephrayim Naiman ejnaiman at gmail.com
Thu Oct 7 23:04:17 IST 2010

Does anybody have a copy of the ad referred to below?

Incidentally, in addition to:

1. No garden discount on usage
2. No non-biyuv garden use credit
3. General 12%-15% price increase
4. Lower usage per nefesh

There is also VAT, that we never had before.

-Ephrayim Naiman
ejnaiman at gmail.com
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: [BS/RBS list] Mei Shemesh - The price of water has DOUBLED

Re the garden discount, according to their 4 page ad in Chadash (the cost of
which I hope isn't added to our water bills), there is some kind of program
for gardens to at least remove the Biyuv part of the charge for the gardens.

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