[RBS] Garden Sewage Discount - NOT!!

[RBS] Garden Sewage Discount - NOT!!

Stewart Karnoff stewartkarnoff at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 11 12:18:06 IST 2010

In other words, they lied in this ad - an entire paragraph is not a typo. Did 
they make any other 'mistakes'?

All part of their 'treating customers like kings' program.


From: Ephrayim Naiman <ejnaiman at gmail.com>
To: BS_List <list at shemesh.co.il>; RBS_huji <rbs at cs.huji.ac.il>; RBS_List 
<rbs at yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Mon, October 11, 2010 12:05:03 PM
Subject: [RBS] Garden Sewage Discount - NOT!!

Even though Mei Shemesh was quoted as saying:

Q: Do I have to pay a sewage fee on water used in my garden?

A: Although the discount on water for those who own a garden has been
Chevrat Mei Shemesh will continue to exempt residents from paying a
sewage fee on water
designated for garden use, which is estimated proportionate to the
size of the garden
(0.6 cubic meters of water per year for each square meter of garden,
not exceeding 300 cubic meters yearly).
The exemption from sewage fees on water used to water a garden takes effect upon
presentation of a form to Chevrat Mei Shemesh showing the size of the
garden to be watered."

I spoke with the General Manager of Mei Shemesh today - R' Ehrenreich
and he said it is a mistake.

So - no Garden Sewage Discount exists.

Rav Ehrenreich says that this is an Artzi law.
If anybody knows someone with a garden in a different city, it would
be good to check up.

Group discount on artificial grass anyone? :-)

Kol Tuv,

-Ephrayim Naiman
ejnaiman at gmail.com


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