[RBS] Parents, beware

[RBS] Parents, beware

Harry greenspan rabbispan at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 22 15:35:28 IST 2010

Absolutely right! H Greenspan

--- On Fri, 10/22/10, A. <spitkyng at gmail.com> wrote:

From: A. <spitkyng at gmail.com>
Subject: [RBS] Parents, beware
To: rbs at cs.huji.ac.il
Date: Friday, October 22, 2010, 4:51 AM

Next time that I see you leave your child in the car, I WILL call the cops. Today I passed by a vehicle and saw through the halfway open front window that there was a little head moving around. I stopped and looked better and saw a little baby in a car seat in the back seat. I stood there for two minutes and then five and when no one came around I opened the door and took the baby out. I don't even know how long he was there before I showed up. Now besides for being pretty hot in the car despite the crack in the front window, it was too long for a baby to be left alone in a car. I understand that people sometimes forget children and it is unfortunate and that does not make them bad parents. It is a terrible mistake that we must always try to prevent from happening. However, a parent that is too lazy to carry their baby the 100 feet across to the gan to pick up their other child and leaves them unattended for any periods of time is irresponsible and
 undeserving us those precious blessings. I held that child in my hands for fifteen + minutes until his father strolled around. He asked me if he was crying wondering why I would take a child out of a random car. This precious baby is given only once and not everyone is so lucky. Take care of your children. Be a responsible parent and don't leave them unattended ever EVER. It may not have been hot out today but cars get hot and I'm sure when it was hot last Friday this father did the same because he did not seem to care. I could have easily taken the child and never given him back. I see Arabs all the time walking up and down my block looking for things to take. Why give them something so special. Next time, I will NOT wait that long and I WILL call the police. And if they call social services to take away your child. I am not sorry. You don't deserve them.

S. Adler


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