[RBS] Rabbi Kestenbaum Shiur on "MY CAMPAIGN TO SAVE BRITISH JEWRY" Uploaded MP3

[RBS] Rabbi Kestenbaum Shiur on "MY CAMPAIGN TO SAVE BRITISH JEWRY" Uploaded MP3

ashenrus1 neshoma at bezeqint.net
Mon Oct 25 21:24:57 IST 2010

Dear RBS,

For those who could not make it to the shiur tonight at Mosdot HaRav Aharon Soloveichik  or would like to hear the wonderful shiur again, I have uploaded the shiur by Rabbi Ephraim Kestenbaum on "MY CAMPAIGN TO SAVE BRITISH JEWRY" as a mp3 file to the following website - http://www.mediafire.com/?g4kr6s29qj8wihs   It was an amazing shiur by Rabbi Kestenbaum and very insightful. 

Reuven Ashenberg

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