[RBS] Mini Course Monday Presents Mrs. Tzipporah Price, MSc and Reb Samet begins Hilchos Ona'as Devarim

[RBS] Mini Course Monday Presents Mrs. Tzipporah Price, MSc and Reb Samet begins Hilchos Ona'as Devarim

Limudei Lottie limudeilottie at bezeqint.net
Sun Oct 31 22:58:44 IST 2010

   Limudei Lottie
In Memory of Mrs. Lottie Rosesnon

Mini Course Monday


The first of a two part series

Mrs. Tzipporah Price, MSc.

Parenting Children with Unique Social and Emotional Needs

Date:       Monday Nov 1 & 8

Time:      10:20 - 11:20 AM

Location: Beis Knesses
                    Aish Kodesh
                    Nachal Maor 4

Cost:        25 NIS

Babysitting available with registration only!


MONDAY 11:30 - 12:45

The words we speak wield awesome power - our words can wound as deeply 
as a sword or be source of joy and contentment.  By studying the words 
of our Sages along with their many practical examples we become better 
armed to eliminate  words that generate pain, shame, discouragement or 
worry and alternatively choose words that promote comfort, confidence, 
friendship and growth.

Please join us to learn this most important topic.  This class will 
change the way you speak and interact with others!

Classes will take place at Beis Kneses Aish Kodesh - Nachal Maor 4

For more information call Chana 999-6058, Leya 054-841-8367, or email 
limudeilottie at bezeqint.net

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