[RBS] Driving and Parking, Especially During the High Holidays and Succot

[RBS] Driving and Parking, Especially During the High Holidays and Succot

Catriel Lev clev at actcom.com
Sun Sep 5 08:14:49 IDT 2010

I wish to remind all of us who drive, especially during the High Holidays and Succot period, to be careful to follow the traffic and safety rules and regulations at all times.

PLEASE, do not use prayers/Selichot/Hoshanot/Teshuvah Lectures as excuses to drive or park in an illegal or reckless manner, since this simply increases the danger to the lives of everyone on the road (thereby nullifying the gains of the spiritual experience in which one is participating).

PLEASE REMEMBER that parking on the sidewalk or in any other illegal manner (especially when the parked car blocks traffic in some way) can endanger other drivers and pedestrians who then often have to perform dangerous maneuvers to avoid the problem presented by the recklessly parked vehicle.

I hope and pray that during these days of Heavenly grace and our pleas for mercy from Hashem, we can all be partners in reducing the dangers on our roads, and thereby adding to our merits the fulfillment of the great Mitzvah of "Ushmartem Meod LeNafshoteichem". Ketivah VaChatimah Tovah,

Catriel Lev
Ramat Bet Shemesh, Israel
Telephone: 972-2-991-4332
Mobile Phone: 972-50-205-7867
כתריאל לב
רמת בית שמש
טלפון: 02-9914332
טל' נייד: 050-205-7867

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