[RBS] Our Community's Amazing Achievements

[RBS] Our Community's Amazing Achievements

David Morris david at lemaanachai.org
Tue Sep 7 14:04:53 IDT 2010

As partners, you can be proud of your part in Lema'an Achai's achievements
during the past year...

(Due to the nature of the work we do, most of Lema'an Achai's achievements
are confidential. But this information we can release).

With your help, Lema'an Achai provided to the needy of our community...

Over Seven Hundred and Fifty Two Thousand shekels of Food Stamps
TWO THOUSAND one hundred and eighty two Emergency Food Packages delivered
SEVEN THOUSAND one hundred and seventy-six Professional Social Work &
Counseling hours
THREE THOUSAND six hundred and forty hours of Professional Consultancy and
Rehabilitation services

Two Hundred and Fifty One Families Received Critical Help
that's more kids than most schools have).

A couple of programs we can highlight this year:

1. The Lema'an Achai FREE Dental clinics (in RBS and Bet Shemesh) provided:
Four THOUSAND and Nine Hundred and Forty Two FREE treatments to needy
families - mainly to children, who would not otherwise obtain dental
This, at a value to our community of over Five Hundred and Ninety Five
THOUSAND shekels.

2. The ShemeShop (second hand, high quality US clothes thrift store, run by
volunteers, in the RBS Matnas)
At any one time, the shop has over three THOUSAND items of clothes displayed
Over Forty THOUSAND Items were sold by ShemeShop this year.
The store is only open for eight hours/week, and they distribute/sell an
incredible 100 items of clothing per hour!

This Rosh Hashana, One Hundred and Eight Two Local Needy Families will
Receive Help.
Including Six Hundred and Seventy Five poor children...

All this was only possible with the incredible help of over TWO HUNDRED and
TWENTY dedicated Volunteers.

And of course, our many generous donors.

Yeshar Kochachem!

The News: A further Eighty Five New Families have asked Lema'an Achai for
Help over the past year....but

One month ago, Lema'an Achai was required to slash One Hundred and Seventy
Five THOUSAND Shekels from our budget.

Due to lack of funds, only HALF of these families have so far been accepted.

We hold that it is totally unacceptable for us to turn away these genuinely
needy families.

Lema'an Achai is 100% privately funded. So the poor of our neighborhood
TOTALLY rely on fellow members of the community.

We ask that you please make every effort to donate EXTRA generously this
Rosh Hashana/Yom Kippur to Lema'an Achai.

And, one more thing...

This year NINETEEN Families who received help last Rosh Hashana, do not need
this year - because Lema'an Achai's "Smart Chesed" has enabled them to stand
on their own feet.

Tizku Lemitzvot to our whole amazing community!!

Shana Tova! Ktiva VeChatima Tova!
David & Avrohom

1. With just a few clicks, you can donate on-line:
2. pick up the phone and donate by credit card: 02-99999.33
3. Mail your check to: Lema'an Achai, 40/7 Nahal Lachish, Ramat Bet Shemesh,


David Morris,                 Rabbi Avrohom Leventhal
Chairman                       Executive Director

www.SmartChesed.org <http://www.smartchesed.org/>

Tel: +972 2 9991553

The Lema'an Achai Center,
40/7 Nahal Lachish
Ramat Beit Shemesh
99093 ISRAEL.
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