[RBS] SUPER SPEAKER + Trip to Kever Rachel (for men, too) on Tzom Gedalya

[RBS] SUPER SPEAKER + Trip to Kever Rachel (for men, too) on Tzom Gedalya

Jo's Club josclub at gmail.com
Tue Sep 7 16:52:53 IDT 2010


Just been informed that Rebbitzen Aviva Pinchuk, from the Keren LeMoreshet
Kever Rachel, will be addressing the group, in English, for about 20-30
minutes. I've heard she gives a "life-changing" talk. Don't Miss It!

Also, lap babies DO NOT need to be paid for.


Jo's Club invites you to join us on a trip to Kever Rachel to beseech Hashem
to answer the prayers for His children, wherever they may be. 
The trip is open to men, women, and children.
* Sunday, Tzom Gedalya
* STOP 1 - The bus stop on the top of Maapilei Egoz at 8:30
* STOP 2 - The Jo's Club parking lot at 8:50 AM
* A Sicha from Rebbitzen Pinchuk, in English
* Tefillos at Kever Rachel for approx. 30-40 minutes
* Return to the Club by 11:30 AM, Beit Shemesh 11:45 AM

Cost: 45 NIS
Babies Do NOT need to be paid for.
Reservations will be accepted with advance payment only.
Cash, check, or credit card (phone orders accepted).

Reservations at 992-3020 (don't leave a message) or reply to this message. 
All reservations will be confirmed, and until confirmed, are not confirmed.

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