[RBS] re thousand island dressing kashrut

[RBS] re thousand island dressing kashrut

Phil'n'Chanie Rosenfelder philnchanie at gmail.com
Sat Sep 11 22:54:02 IDT 2010

 IF the dressign has an ishur kashrut from the rabanut, then the story
is probably as follows:

it can be a mistake by the improter, you should check with the
rabbanut import office to find out for sure) (the number is
the OU marks things that are "not exactly"  b'hezkat halavi as dairy,
and the rabanut will, in many situations, deem those things pareve
(for exact details of the  rabbanut psak, call the rabbanut import
office in yerushalaim)

ON THE OTHER HAND, if the dressing does NOT have a rabbanut ishur,
then the importer will translate the label as he pleases.

note that the rabbanut and the OU have differences of psak in several
areas, including:

- bishul yisrael / afiat yisrael - the rabbanut is  more mahmir as to
what counts as bishul yisrael and where it is required (so we can eat
european oreos during asseret yemei teshuva , but possibly not stella
d'oro cookies - we have to check that out )

- halav nochri.  while the rabbanut allows goyish milk POWDER (not
liquid milk) , ti wil always be staed next to the ishur kashrut that
there is avkat halav nochri, as sefaradim do not eat such.  NOTE TO
PARENTS: please do not send your kids to school with hershey
chocolates that they might share with classmates who don't realize
that their family psak does not allow them

- HADASH - the rabbanut is makpid on hadash for imported foods , while
the OU (and COR) is stil relying on heterim  - though this is
gradually changing
NOTE TO PARENTS: sour sticks, american cereals and cookies, granola
bars , etc, that are bought in the  US or canada (or sold here but do
not have an ishur from the rabbanut and are sold in stores that do not
have a mashgiah) can be a problem from about now.  please  do not send
these things to school for your kids to share either.

hope this helps

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