[RBS] RBS/BS Kashrus Guide - A Letter from the Author

[RBS] RBS/BS Kashrus Guide - A Letter from the Author

Beis Tefillah Yonah Avraham info2 at btya.org
Sun Sep 12 14:12:31 IST 2010


R' Yechiel Spira, of Jerusalem Kosher news, the author of the RBS/BS Kashrus
Guide, asked that this letter be forwarded to the local community lists (it
was supposed to be posted erev Rosh Hashona):

I was fortunate this morning, erev Rosh Hashanah, to speak with R' Itzik
Viflic towards what some would view as a mending of fences. For us however,
it was a meeting of the minds. 

It provided us both an opportunity to hear what the other had to say, and it
is now clear to all involved that the motives, both of the Oriental Chinese
and the Kashrus guide were acts that did not carry any intentional ill will.

Baruch Hashem the air has been cleared, and the situation has been explained
to the satisfaction of the parties involved.

In our discussion, I offered to visit the Oriental Restaurant after the
Yomim Tovim to give them the time deserved for a full JKN review, and the
findings will be published for the community.

I learnt a few things about the RBS/BS community, which I could never have
learnt without this experience:

.	The support of this entire project from the R/BS community is
testimony to the old Jewish passion for good Chinese food and for caring and

.	The Viflics have been amazingly sincere in the process, all rough
spots have been repaired, both in terms of kashrus and also in terms of real
understanding and shalom.

At this time, we would like to wish everyone a Ksiva V'chasima Tova and with
this misunderstanding now placed behind us, we are confident that the RBS
community has taken a positive step forward in time for Rosh Hashanah.

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