Rivka Ester Rothstein rivkaest at 012.net.il
Sun Sep 12 15:51:31 IST 2010

After seeking to purchase a fire extinguisher from every place I
imagined they'd be available, I discovered they must be ordered from a
company that manufactures them.  In order to make them available to the
neighborhood, I decided to take on distribution for the area.

They're 3 kg., gas הלון 1211 (not powder which needs to be continually
refilled), able to put out all types of fires - wood, plastic, kitchen
(oil, etc.), electric.  According to 'tav teken', guaranteed for 3

They're currently on sale from one manufacturer on-line for 360 nis plus
45 nis delivery charge (down from 449 nis.)  I am able to provide them
for 350 if you come to my home to collect it; 370 if you want delivery
to your home and you're in Beit Shemesh/Ramat Beit Shemesh.

I'm sure they don't need to be 'sold' - suffice to say every home, gan,
office, etc., should have at least one!

Please indicate your desire to order a fire extinguisher as well as
whether or not you require home delivery by replying to this email.
I'll have them available once a week depending upon number of orders,
most likely on a Friday.

Wishing you all a gmar chatima tova, and a healthy & safe year ahead!

~Rivka Ester Rothstein

"At Your Service ~ Cleaner Referral Service"

Matching cleaners with clients in the RBS/Beit Shemesh areas since 1999.

Your address for one-off or steady home cleaning help.

02-999-6093 Please call between 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

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