Rachel Uzvolk uzvolk at 012.net.il
Mon Sep 13 01:45:33 IST 2010

I have been buying Colmar products regularly for at least five years, and every time I marvel at the outstanding quality of their meat, poultry and herring. - Its never just OK - its always perfect,  the ingredients are top quality, the preparation superb, the taste of everything is incredibleand both Margaret and Colin help me with quantities, and they are always correct. 

Now I imagine, is the right time to make your order for Seudah mafseket, after the fast herrings and kichel, fruit cake etc, and then of course for the endless meals over sukkot and simchat torah.   I want to thank them for the wonderful service they are provividing for us here in RBS. They make all sorts of meats, perogen, different kinds of chicken, cakes and all kinds of wonderful things that I don't even know about.    Everything is Mehadrin and under the very strict supervision of Rabbi Danny Myers who is always popping in and out.

Their phone number is 992-3334 or 054 776 4574 and ask them to email you a list of their products..

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