[RBS] advice on buying freezer in beit shemesh?

[RBS] advice on buying freezer in beit shemesh?

Riva Pomerantz joelriva at bezeqint.net
Thu Sep 16 15:08:34 IST 2010

We'd like to buy a freezer somewhere in Beit Shemesh and have no clue where
to start. If you have recently bought a freezer, can you help us out by
sharing your experience?


Do you have a personal recommendation on a store that offers great customer
service, good prices, and a good selection? 

Do you have any feedback l'toeles on Shekem Electric in BIG?

What freezer would you recommend purchasing? Like European vs. non?
Frost-free vs. non? Our only requirements are that we want something tall
and very narrow.





Write on. Visit www.rivapomerantz.com!



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