[RBS] Wow - Birdwatching Festival at Kibbutz Tzora!

[RBS] Wow - Birdwatching Festival at Kibbutz Tzora!

Rivka Ester Rothstein rivkaest at 012.net.il
Mon Sep 20 18:07:16 IST 2010

Kingfisher Festival at Kibbutz Tzora

Join the team from the Jerusalem Bird Observatory as we explore the
fields and resevoirs around Kibbutz Tzora. In the morning, we will
search the fields for migrating birds and look for waterbirds in the
resevoirs. The trip will include a visit to the ringing station where we
hope to see the colourful kingfishers and other birds.  

In the evening, we will be searching for owls, bats, jackals, foxes  and
other noctural life in the fields and resevoirs around the Kibbutz. 

For ages 5 and up. 

Morning sessions 

Sunday 26th:  2- hour Guided sessions at 7:30, 8:00, 9:30 or 10:00 

MOnday 27th : 2-hour Guided sessions at 7:30 and 9:30 

Cost: 60 nis adults, 50 nis child 


Night hike:  Sunday 26th only at 19:00. 

Cost: 50 nis adults, 40 nis kids. 




0523-869488 or email jbo at inter.net.il   


Alen Kacal
Jerusalem Bird Observatory
PO Box 3557
Jerusalem, 91031
phone: 0523-869488
fax: 02-6537374
ibrc at netvision.net.il

~Rivka Ester

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