[RBS] Update: Refael Daniel Aryeh ben Tamar Viflic

[RBS] Update: Refael Daniel Aryeh ben Tamar Viflic

Pircha Soloveichik pcsolo at shemesh.co.il
Sun Apr 10 00:23:22 IDT 2011

Shavua Tov.
The Viflic family expresses their sincere appreciation of the care and
concern from the community and the desire to help in any way possible. 

At the present time, everyone should continue to Daven and perform acts of
Chesed on behalf of Refael Daniel Aryeh ben Tamar. Shuls should continue
with organized Tehillim recitation around their minyanim times. 

The Viflics asked that only those that are very close friends should come to
visit, but to please call ahead. 

If you would like to express your concern and well wishes, please do so in
the form of letters or cards which can be dropped off at the Soloveichik
home in Ramat Bet Shemesh and we will see to it that they get delivered. 

Pircha Soloveichik 


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