[RBS] for parents of children entering shidduchim in the next few years

[RBS] for parents of children entering shidduchim in the next few years

Judie Carasso judiecarasso at gmail.com
Wed Apr 27 11:49:32 IDT 2011

I just saw this sign on Dolev and thought it was important enough to post: 
Dor Yesharim is doing genetic testing today (Wednesday) and tomorrow 
afternoon at Olamei Banos Yerushalyim, Rechov Baharan 17, girls from 2 - 
4:00, and boys from 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.  They are required to bring 500 shekels 
and an Israeli teudat zehut.  The number for Dor Yesharim is 649-9888.  They 
are also doing testing in Bnei Brak, but I didn't write down the 
information.  I have no further information. 

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