[RBS] why we are going to the BS rally on motzash

[RBS] why we are going to the BS rally on motzash

Phil'n'Chanie Rosenfelder philnchanie at gmail.com
Thu Aug 11 11:16:24 IDT 2011

 The "tent campaign" for cheaper housing was started by people with a
different politcal agenda than ours (*) , and even so, many citizens
from different parts of the spectrum have joined the protest, because,
at the end of the day, Israeli governments hold on to land like De
Boers held on to diamonds, making their price much higher than it
ought to be and limiting the availability of housing to the wealthy or
the politically connected.

Here in Beit Shemesh, the new housing projects  will also be limited,
in the main, to those with political connections, and not available to
a large percentage of the people growing up in this city.
This means that if my children want to come back to BS after they
finish the army or sherut leumi, it is highly unlikely that there will
be any affordable housing for them.   THISIS EVEN MORE TRUE, AND FAR
MORE PAINFUL for the children and grandchildren of the families who
originally settled Beit Shemesh, WHOSE PARENTS, GRADNPARETNS, COUSINS
The current building plans , whic make no provisions for them , are

Construction in any city or area must be made available to ANYONE who
wishes to live there, and be large enough in scope to meet the
market's needs.

Beit Shemesh needs large-scale construction, made available to all
segments of the population, with prices affordable to the average
Isreali salary.   Additionally, we need  infrastructure for
transportation, employment and higher education.

This Motzaei Shabbat, peopel who have built thsi city and dreamt of
its furture for 10, 20, 30 , even 60 years will be rallyign for more ,
cheaper housing  in Beit Shemesh for the general population.
***** My family and I will BEH be there, to make our voices heard, and
to make it clear that this is something that affects us as Olim, as
Vatikim, as yelidei HaAretz, as working people, as college students,
as Hesdernikim, and as school students .  (I think that sums up my
family members)

Whether you have need of a home in Beit Shemesh or not, if you believe
in the Torah prohibition of Eifah v'eifah, as well as the injunction
"all it takes for evil to triumph is for a few good men to do
nothing," PLEASE JOIN US!!!!!!!

The protest begins right after Shabbat, at 9;00p.m., at the tayelet
across from the fire station and then we will parade down towards the
traffic circle near the ampi and then back up.

(*) - I am still disgusted that none of these "tzedek hevrati" peope
ehave concerned themselves with the lack of justice in that certain
parts of the country are under constant rocket fire with no clear plan
to once-and-for-all neutralize the enemy;  that Hamas prisoners are in
any better conditons than Gil'ad Shalit; that 10,000 citizens were
ripped out of their homes, parnassa and communities and the majority
of them are still unemployed and living in cardboard boxes.
 I would love to challenge the "leaders" on those issues.  But, I do
not believe that it is the Torah way to be spiteful and turn away from
any Jew who does not have exactly my set of priorities.
 Azov Ta'azov Imo seems to come to life here.

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