[RBS] Reminder: RBS Gimmel-2 - Second set of hearings on Sunday

[RBS] Reminder: RBS Gimmel-2 - Second set of hearings on Sunday

Ephrayim Naiman ejnaiman at gmail.com
Fri Aug 12 14:55:15 IDT 2011

Reminder about the second set of Gimmel-2 hearings this Sunday.
Come and hear the answers the Iriya and Misrad Hashikun have to offer
as to why there are currently plans for another 50,000 inhabitant in
RBS, without enough buildup of infrastructure to support it (IMHO).

Kol Tuv, Ephrayim
Dear All,

Since so many people came for the first set of hearings on Gimmel-2,
they weren't able to complete "hearing" them all - so a second date
was set for this
Sunday, August 14th - again in Bayit Vegan, Hapisga 8, starting at 9:00.

They have allocated 3 hours for more objections to be heard and then
starting from 12:00,
Iriyat Beit Shemesh and Misrad Hashikun will begin by answering all
the objections.
Finally, after all that, a rebuttal period will follow.

Everyone was allowed to come to the last 2 hearings I've been at - and
I encourage everyone to come again.
This is our only "legal" way to object to the extremely serious faults
in the current set of plans to add
more than 50,000 people in the RBS area in the next 3 years.
Even if you came last time to the Gimmel-2 objections,
now is when the Iriya will submit "answers" and we are allowed to "answer back".

Please make an effort to come and invite other caring R/BS residents.

Thank you and Tizku Lemitzvot!

-Ephrayim Naiman
ejnaiman at gmail.com

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