[RBS] the violent "kitzonim" are not representative of the hareidi community

[RBS] the violent "kitzonim" are not representative of the hareidi community

Phil'n'Chanie Rosenfelder philnchanie at gmail.com
Mon Aug 29 13:31:50 IDT 2011

Mayor Aboutbul claims that he cannot allow Orot Banot to open the
school year because of
"worries for the safety of the students and staff in the face of
threats from the kitzonim (extremists)"

members of the hareidi community have often pointed out that  the
violent  kitzonim do not represent the hareidi community
and to prove it,
the hareidi community at large will join the demonstration at Orot banot
demanding that the Mayor and the police ensure the safety of the staff
and students of Orot banot

the demonstration and tefilla
will begin at 6:30pm
in front of the Orot Banot building

rehov Harav Herzog

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