Avraham Elkind avraham.elkind at gmail.com
Sun Dec 11 22:40:31 IST 2011

Dear All:

We are excited to announce the opening of our new, ultra modern, and
luxuriously furnished office (aka "The Back Room")! Our "Back Room" is
available to all customers who prefer to take care of their banking in a
more personal and discreet atmosphere. It is also ideal for corporate and
business clients and those who have multiple or complicated transactions.
Rabbi Ari Enkin, our personal banking specialist, is available to receive
clients in our new Back Room office for these and ALL other personal
banking needs by appointment, Sunday to Thursday between 11:00am and
15:00pm, as well as on a walk-in basis during these hours subject to
availability. To make an appointment with Ari for personal banking, please
call 992-3719 or email info at rbsgeltcenter.com with "Personal Banking" in
the subject line. We look forward to serving you!

RBS Gelt Center is conveniently located in the RBS Shopping Center, around
the corner from Big Deal,
across the parking lot from the Dona building which houses Merkaz Rakefet,
Kupot Cholim Macabee and Klalit,
we are co-located with Ambassador Tours Travel Agency 02 992 5020 in the
RBSA Shopping Center.

The store hours are 8:30am to 7pm Sunday to Thursday, 8:30 to 12:30 on
Fridays and Erev Chag.
During daylight savings time (the winter clock) - we will be closing the
doors at noon.

The phone number in the store is 02 992 3719, the fax is 1532 992 6308, our
email address is info(at)RBSGeltCenter.com
(please replace (at) with @).

You can bank with us in person or by phone or by fax or by email or by
We are a one stop solution for all of your money management and personal
banking needs.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Best regards -

Avraham Elkind, Rabbi Ari Enkin, Shlomie Aron
RBS Gelt Center (Avraham Elkind Change)
Nahal Nitzanim 1; RBSA Shopping Center
voice: 02 992 3719
fax: 1532 992 6308
email: info at rbsgeltcenter.com
web: www.rbsgeltcenter.com
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