[RBS] The Absorption department's Olim learning center - changes in activity hours

[RBS] The Absorption department's Olim learning center - changes in activity hours

tami elmaliach elmaliacht at gmail.com
Mon Dec 19 16:21:50 IST 2011

Dear parents and children,

The olim learning center will be opened tomorrow, Tuesday, November
20th between 15:00-16:30. During Chanuka, the center will be closed.
The center will be open after Chanuka on Sunday starting at 15:45 (and
not at 16:30).

In January the hours will be as follow:

Sunday 15:45-18:00

Tuesday 15:00-18:00

The Olim Learning Center  is for children that made Aliyah in the past
years, children at the age of first grade to ninth grade.

The Learning Center offers homework assistance and preparation for tests.

The Center is located at Ahavat Israel boys school.

Cost: 50 NIS per family  for a ticket of 10 entrances (each entrance
is per one child)

The Learning Center is directed by a staff of  Educators that have
experience with olim.

The olim learning center is a project of the absorption department at
the Municipality of Beit Shemesh in cooperation with the Education
division, Misrad haklita and midreshet beit shemesh

Hope to see you all,

The Learning Center staff

Tami Elmaliach
Coordinator of English speaking Olim
Municipality of Beit Shemesh
olimhelp at gmail.com

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