[RBS] FWD: call to parents re end of christian year

[RBS] FWD: call to parents re end of christian year

Phil'n'Chanie Rosenfelder philnchanie at gmail.com
Tue Dec 20 13:30:21 IST 2011

the following letter is from the city's social services and
drug-prevention programs

NOTE: please do NOT be too quick to say that this doesn't apply to
your kid.  When we go out on sayeret horim,we see lots of kids who go
otu when their parents are asleep....

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Shlomi Revivo <shlomi at bshemesh.co.il>

Dear Parents
Next motzash (Vayigash)  , the civil year changes.
With no interest in the christian significance to the date, many
Israeli youth have taken on this date as a night to party, go out to
clubs and hang out outside "partying" (CR- similar to how many
families mark thanksgiving)
Unfortunately, when youth party, there are all types of side effects,
such as drinking, trying drugs, violence, sex offenses, car accidents
resulting from reckless driving or DUI, and all sorts of mar'in
The police, MDA, and rescue workers are all on full force on that
date, but that is not enough.
I am asking all parents to show their parental maturity and
responsibility - have constructive conversations with your youth.
Talk about what goes on on this night, and the dangers involved.
Teach them how to avoid dangerous situations.  At the same time, talk
to them honestly about their plans, whom they will be with, and how
they will travel.  Set firm limits about behaviour, personal
responsibility , what time to be home and HOW to get home.  Make it
very clear that one does not take "trempim" or  ride with anyone who
has touched alcohol or in a car in which there is any pen alcoholic
beverage .

For any further information, you can look on the website of the
Anti-Drug Authority, or call the 24 hour hotline 1-700-500-508.
Do not hesitate to call if you have any questions or issues you would
like to discuss.

Yours, Shlomi Revivo
City liaison for the prevention of addiction
Beit Shemesh
נייד : 052-3426033


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