[RBS] where it all starts, and where it can end

[RBS] where it all starts, and where it can end

Phil'n'Chanie Rosenfelder philnchanie at gmail.com
Fri Dec 30 11:23:47 IST 2011

first of all, i want to publicly thank Yehuda Meshi Zahav for his
article in Hashavua B'Veit Shemesh

second, for those who wonder how it can be that there is violence
against beit Sefer Orot -  after all , Hareidim are not hateful

BUT when they build a wall around the gan building, to shield their
children fromthe neighbouring gan, they are teachign the next
generation that "other Jews" are to be avoided at all costs, and even
when we, hareidm, move into a populated neighbourhood, we must shut
our neighbours out (or stand outside their schools saying tehillim
that they should leave)

I am deeply sorry to be writing this, but i think that we have to be
able to take a stand, to demand that the wall be taken down,
we must remember that Hareidim who move to a city which is not all
hareidi (or that matter, to a country in which they benefit from
services provided by non-hareidim) have chosen to be part of a world
in which there are other Jews, and other people, and those people are
NOT a plague tobe avoided, BUT RATHER they are  neighbours, relatives,
soldiers and firefighters to be appreciated and respected (and even
loved , at least Gd seems to think so)!!!

Please, if you believe in HaShem, His Nation and His Torah, stand up
for Ahdut .  Tear down the walls!!

It is my tefilla that the lists will not censor this email, and in
that way again prevent people from hearing other people's feelings and

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