[RBS] It doesn't have to be like this

[RBS] It doesn't have to be like this

REliyohu Felder r.e.felder1 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 30 09:39:54 IST 2011

We can still make a difference.

It COULD have been a Kiddush HaShem
It COULD  have been different, if the Rabbonim had gotten up
immediately and stated that teh Sikrikim are not Chareidim, adn should
not be allowed in orushuls and schools.
It COULD have been different if we had gone in large numbers to stop
our brothers from throwing stones, if we stood up to the bullies on
the busses , and if we tore down all posters that spread hate.
It could have been different if our newspapers said the truth - no one
ever objected to Chareid projects in Beit Shemesh, but We came here
SECOND - the city already existed, with its non-Chareidi schools and
community centres, and we have to respect others too.
It could have been different if our children heard us say that while
we are chareidi and believe it is the right derech, we appreciate what
the non-Chareidi Jews do for us - the doctors, nurses, trash
collectors, soldiers, police, etc.

We can go to tomorrow night's demonstration in Mea Shearim, with big
posters that say "Chareidim CAN get along with other Jews", "Chareidim
do NOT hurt other Jews", and, from last Shabbos' davening: "Chaveirim
KOL Yisroel"

Please join me

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