[RBS] Limudei Lottie Comes To Ramat Shilo

[RBS] Limudei Lottie Comes To Ramat Shilo

Limudei Lottie LimudeiLottie at bezeqint.net
Tue Feb 15 14:03:50 IST 2011

Limudei Lottie

In Memory of Mrs. Lottie Rosenson, A"H

New Shiur in Ramat Shilo!

Dates:Feb 16, 23, Mar 2, Mar 9

Time: Wednesday 9:15 -10:15 AM

Location: At the home of Zehava Moss Nachal Ein Gedi 43/8

Cost: 80 NIS

You must register! (minimum class size needed – 10 participants)

Mrs. Rena Siev - Megilas Esther : A Second Look

In this series, we will take a deeper look at the story and events of
Megilas Esther, incredibly familiar to us and yet remarkably puzzling.
What really motivates Achashverosh and Haman in the story? What does the
Megila seek to teach us about power and corruption, loyalty and
deception? Beyond the events of Purim, what other key messages does the
Megila want to impart? Through an engaging and critical analysis of the
text and the Mefarshim, we will examine these questions and others, as
we understand MegilasEsther from a new perspective.

For more information or to register call Leya 054-841-8367 or email
limudeilottie at bezeqint.net . Visit our Website: www.limudeilottie.org

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