[RBS] Gush Katif broccoli and cauliflower for sale in RBS!

[RBS] Gush Katif broccoli and cauliflower for sale in RBS!

The Jerenbergs batyai100 at 013.net
Wed Feb 23 21:01:48 IST 2011

Delicious, fresh, bug-free broccoli and cauliflower will be available next 
Thursday 3/3/11 in my home, grown by 2 families formerly of Gush Katif who 
now live in Avnei Eitan. To order, please call or SMS Sivan Barbi 
with your name, the amount you want and that you're from R/BS. Orders must 
be in by Tuesday 1/3.

Each head of broccoli 10 NIS.
Cauliflower - 10 NIS per kilo

The vegetables keep fresh for up to 10 days in the fridge and can be washed 
and frozen as well.

Kashrut: Mehadrin of Rabbanut Zfat, Rav Shmuel Eliyahu, and the Rabbanut of 
the Golan

You will be able to pick up your order on Thursday between 10-1:30 and 
Batya Jerenberg

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