[RBS] melting babka in rbsa

[RBS] melting babka in rbsa

marti winston martirobin2 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 8 20:35:44 IST 2011

FINALLY! The Melting Babka company delivers to RBSA & it is a hit!!!

The most amazing chocolate bobka cake I have ever eaten (and I have
eaten a LOT of chocolate over the years) without this bobka, my oneg
Shabbos would be incomplete.

Last week they came out with a new item, cinnamon bobka.

I tasted it.

It reminded me of Entenmanns coffee cake but with more cinnamon.

My daughter LOVED it!

I still prefer the chocolate bobka as my number one.

 Effie at BEST is bringing in the whole line of Melting Bobka!
He will have the full line of cakes at Best Market every Thursday around noon.
Babkas/Cinnamon Buns/Choc. Chip Cookies/Glazed chocolate Cake/Mint
Brownies & now cinnamon bobka.
All under the hashaga of Rav Rubin!

 I love eating this bobka cold with kiddush Shabbos morning but many
 people like it warmed on the blech so the gooey chocolate is warm.

Great with kiddush and for melava malka!

Don't miss out on this Shabbos treat!

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