[RBS] a horse would have been faster than the 411 to Tel Aviv today. HELP!!

[RBS] a horse would have been faster than the 411 to Tel Aviv today. HELP!!

batya batyachanna at bezeqint.net
Sun Jan 9 22:00:04 IST 2011

I am looking for a ride on Tuesday morning to ANY of the following destinations: Lod, Ben Gurion Airport, Rishon Lezion, Herzeliya or somewhere close to South Tel-Aviv (Dan Hotel/Carmel Shuk/Allenby).... Leaving any time between 6:15 and 6;45 from RBSA. It took me 3 hours to get to work today. If you are curious, read on. Left home at 6:40, walked from my house to the "mercaz" hitchhike spot. Hitched to Shimshon junction. Thought I would catch an earlier 411 than the one that left RBS at 6:45, but no such luck. THAT bus showed up at Shimshon junctiona at 7:40 (55 minutes after leaving RBSA), then drove through Ramle, arriving in Tel Aviv at 9:15. Didn't get to work until 9:45 - a full hour later than I would arrive when we used to be blessed with a train. I really need a better ride than the bus. Anyone who can help anyone else get to work in these trainless mornings is doing a true mitzvah. You are helping us with our parnassa. Please call Batya 077-700-5382 or email batyachanna at bezqint.net  (If you are driving in that new "fast lane" with a full car, I will pay may share of the "fee".) Tizku l'mitzvot.

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