[RBS] FW: Wine Shop

[RBS] FW: Wine Shop

Gedalya Persky jgpersky at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 17 17:05:42 IST 2011

Hello from Yayin B'Rama.  Happy almost Tu B'Shvat.  Do you mix your red and white wines at your seder?  We have the wines you need in both colors and a few in betweeen.
We have all levels of wine prices, and I will do my best to give you a nice wine at any price.
We tasted Zion Erez Petite Sirah Merlot last week.  It wasn't bad at all.
We also have some of the highest rated wines in the Kosher world:
Carmel Limited, Mediterranean, and Single Vineyards
Covenant from California
Dalton Matatia
Galil Yiron
Golan Heights Ortal
Yatir Forest, Cabernet, and Shiraz
and many others

For Kosher questions I will do my best to give you any information I may have.  But, in the end, your Rav must decide, and some items may not be so simple.

Soon, we will start a series on tasting wines, what are the different grapes, what would I like, etc. 

What would you like to know?  

Gedalya at Yayin B'Rama

Trivia for the week: How many people in China live in caves?

Answer: 40 million (true)

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